Success Stories
Successful customers and successful projects
The important use of FME at Médecins Sans Frontières

The integration of geodata with FME also plays an important role in the documentation of disasters at the private aid organisation Doctors Without Borders.
Abu Dhabi: Efficient agricultural controls

ADAFSA, the Agriculture and Food Safety Authority in Abu Dhabi, uses FME to harmonize a central database.
Automation of online ordering and checking processes for geodata

The city surveying department of the city of Graz uses FME to automatically process processes behind digital forms.
Hannover Airpoirt: A hub for flights and data

FME acts as the central data hub at Hanover-Langenhagen Airport.
Automatic preparation of GIP data for Austrian Federal Railways

axmann created two FME-supported solutions for the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) that automatically prepare open.
Vorarlberg Energy Networks relies on axmann solution

Vorarlberg Energy Networks validate supplied natural inventory and water data using the geodata checking service.
Geoinformation in the UNESCO World Heritage of Bamberg

FME for data manipulation evolved from a one-time tool into a central data hub in the public administration of the city of Bamberg.
Optimisation of air traffic information management

Optimisation of air traffic information management at Austro Control with the help of FME Form and FME Flow.
Austrian Federal Railways use Open Data

FME-supported solutions for the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) that automatically prepare open data for tasks in the organization’s GIS.
Data validation at the Austrian Federal State of Burgenland

Data validation at the Austrian Federal State of Burgenland for conceptual masterplan data.
Daily updated cadastral data with FME support

The Austrian Federal Office for Calibration and Measurement (BEV) has recently made daily updated cadastral data available. axmann supported the service with FME processing tools.
FME in “border operations” at the Austrian Federal Forests

The Austrian Federal Forests document boundary stones with photos and integrate them into their database system using FME.
Geodata shop for Austrian VERBUND as a central data hub

A geodata shop at VERBUND provides geodata for further processing. The basis for this solution is axmann geodata broker.